
GET api/Domain/whois/{domain}

Retrieves all of the information from the server lookup

GET api/Domain/GetForUser?userId={userId}

Retrieves the domains listed for the user which matches the "userId" passed in

GET api/Domain/GetWithContactsForUser?userId={userId}

Retrieves all of the domains and all contacts that are assigned to be notified about it's expiry dates for the user which matches the "userId" passed in

GET api/Domain/Get/{id}

Retrieves a domain

GET api/Domain/GetWithContacts/{id}

Retrieves a single domain and all contacts that are assigned to be notified about it's expiry dates

POST api/Domain/Create

Creates a domain

POST api/Domain/Edit

Amends a domain

DELETE api/Domain/Delete/{id}

Deletes a domain

POST api/Domain/Refresh/{id}

Refreshes the whois and SSL information for a domain


GET api/Contact/GetForUser?userId={userId}

Retrieves all contacts listed for the user which matcges the "userId" passed in

GET api/Contact/Get/{id}

Retrieves a contact

POST api/Contact/Create

Creates a contact

POST api/Contact/Edit

Amends a contact

DELETE api/Contact/Delete/{id}

Deletes a contact with the Id passed in


GET api/User/GetReminderSettings?userId={userId}

Retrieves the reminder settings of the user which matches the "userId" passed in

POST api/User/UpdateReminderSettings

Updates the reminder settings of the user

GET api/User/GetEmail?userId={userId}

Retrieves the email of the user which matches the "userId" passed in

POST api/User/UpdateEmail

Updates the email of the user